Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Artwork underway!
Brian Jones has begun the artwork for the EP - here's a little taste of what we might see for a cover for this thing:

Excellent. No recording was done last night (at least by me) as a bunch of us attended a CD release show for a band called Aqua Closet who i produced an EP for a couple months ago. Great show - unfortunately this was their last one before they all go off to different colleges. Pop over to their myspace to get a sample. Here's a shot of the action... notice Matt Littlehale's head in the foreground:

As for the New Ancients' work - i did finish yet another song over the weekend ("Stars of Light") - so that brings us to 4 totally done and about 4 more poised for completion. We're getting there.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The EP is Done!
Although only in internet form at this point. I put the first 3 songs up on The New Ancients' myspace page, so pop on over there for a listen. This week Brian Jones will be hammering away on some art for the EP insert - once that is done we will send this out for a short run duplication and offer them for sale as part of the "pre-buy" for the full length. In other words, buy the EP for 10 bucks and you get the full length when it comes out later this year.
Last night's session was a vocal-filled extravaganza. We worked on Lamb of God and Stars. Emily knocked out her part quite nicely - since it was only me and the girls, there was no one taking pictures, so the only coverage i had was the picture i took of the equipment so i can keep track of the settings in case we need to go back and re-do something...here's what i was running her vocal through:

that's great. anyway - more songs are getting close to being finished... so in the meantime, go enjoy the first 3.